Logan is governed by an elected Mayor and City Council. The council consists of 5 elected council members and a mayor who meet the 1st Monday of every month in the City Office at 7 p.m. This Governing Body appoints board members for Logan Manor Community Health Services, which consists of the Logan Manor and Logan Manor Assisted Living, Hansen Memorial Museum and Plaza, Logan Housing Authority, and the Logan Public Library. The City and its governing entities employ a total of 88 residents. City facilities supported by tax funds are: Logan Municipal Pool, Logan Youth Center, Logan Public Library, Community Building, and the Logan Fire Department.
City of Logan, Kansas
105 West Main, P.O. Box 116
email: [email protected]
Mayor: Max Lowry
City Clerk: Kristy West
Chamber of Commerce President: Teresa McComb
Interested in employment with the City of Logan?
City Application for Employment.pdf